
Five Tax Rights to Protect Connecticut Taxpayers

Five Tax Rights to Protect Connecticut Taxpayers

When the IRS is breathing down your neck, it may feel like you have no choice but to just roll over and take whatever they dish out.But here’s the thing… You actually have an extensive set of tax rights, guaranteed by law, when dealing with the IRS. They’re...

Emelia Mensa’s Financial Stress Management Insights

Emelia Mensa’s Financial Stress Management Insights

One common denominator among my clients the last few years is an increase in financial stress. Often, it’s related to tax problems they need help resolving, but there are other factors involved, too. As prices rise, so does anxiety around money. And it’s hard to...

Work From Home Policy for Connecticut Businesses

Work From Home Policy for Connecticut Businesses

There’s no better way to celebrate work than by taking a day off. The irony of the Labor Day holiday gets me every year, but I do hope that it provided a little extra rest on the front end of a busy fall season.I mentioned in one of my recent notes another piece of...